Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Tues-Wed - Sept 15-16th update

Tuesday was a good day for Tanner and he wanted to take a walk. He walked down farther than expected and ended up at a Bass Pro Store down the street. Tanner and his Mom went to the top of the pyramid and had a nice view of Memphis.

Wednesday, Tanner had a barrage of appointments and was kept busy today. We want to let everyone know that tomorrow is a big day for Tanner. Tomorrow, they will do a 2nd (PET) scan to see if there is a 25% reduction of the Lymphoma. He will be checked back into "inpatient" status where he will start the 2nd series of chemotherapy. This is the beginning of the more intensive stage of the treatment. We appreciate all the support and please continue your prayers. #tannerstrong

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tanner Man! Just wanted to tell you I love you! Miss you! My kids and I will continue to wear red for you! #tannerstrong

    My mom Lisa asked me to post a message to you here as she doesn't not have access. In her words. And I quote
    "happy late birthday Tanner! I am thinking of you. You are in my heart and in my prayers. You got this! I am sending your Dad a card for you. Love you long time. PEES!
    Auntie Owie"
