Saturday, September 12, 2015

Friday, Sept 11th update

Today was a pretty good day for Tanner and we will remember the good days when times get rough.  Tanner has had it with staying in his room and wanted to get out and about. He did some walking today without the wheelchair. He ventured out into the public arena of St. Jude and walked over to Starbucks for a vanilla steamer.

In the afternoon, we all had a good time playing Uno together. We met another young man, who is around Tanner's age and joined in the game. We are hoping Tanner get to go to outpatient status by end of weekend. We will see.

The Staff here at St. Jude is incredibly amazing and we couldn't ask for a better place to be at. Tanner will have some visitors tomorrow and he is sure excited for that.

Thanks for the all the support!

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