Sunday, September 13, 2015

Sat-Sun, Sept. 12th-13th update


There is going to be ups and downs on Tanner's journey. What keeps the downs from getting too bad is knowing how much every one is supporting this strong young man. Tanner has more courage than he even realizes.

Saturday/ Sunday ~ Tanner had some visitors that are his schoolmates. First, were a cute group of girls with a lot of spirit and his second visitors were two of his very best friends. Tanner made it down to the cafeteria and was able to have some hang out time. I was told there was even wheelchair races.

What really made his day is that he is now considered an "outpatient" as of Saturday evening. I wish this meant he could go home and get his treatment there, but he was moved to another facility on the St. Jude Compound. Just in the small amount of time he had spent up in his room, he had accumulated some amazing gifts and cards. It took a couple of loads to move it over. Tanner will still go to the hospital daily for his treatments and check ups.  Lets keep his spirit alive. I know he misses his everyday teenager life but visitors can really cheer him up.

We have been posting some "good" moments in Tanner's treatment. We want you to be aware that Tanner is sometimes very fatigued, feeling immense pain, nauseated, and struggles with his diagnosis. Lets remember that just a week and a half ago he was an excited teenager in the 8th grade that excelled in sports and education.

Thank you for thinking of Tanner and the continued support!



  1. Hey Tanner! Good Heaven's do you look great we know you don't feel well. I've had to go through chemo before, and its not pleasant, but you know what? If I got better, I know you can. You tell me whatever you would like to have there that may make you a bit more comfortable, and it's your's buddy. You hang tough! We love you and when you get out, we'd love to have you here in Santa Cruz. We'll take you to all the cool hot spots that only we know about here. We love you very much Tanner.

  2. So happy to,hear that you can be an out patient! I can't imagine what it is like to go through chemo. I do know that you have a fun outgoing personality that will help you face the rough days and enjoy and celebrate the good days. Praying for you and your family .
