Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Journey of a Strong Young Man, Tanner

This is to keep everyone updated on the progress of Tanner. We appreciate all the prayers, support, and love that everyone has been giving to the whole family.  This will be raw as we speak from the heart.

Thursday, 09/03 Tanner was complaining of strong pains in his abodomen. Orginally, what was thought of as appendicitis, so far has turned out to be Stage 3 Burkitt Lymphoma. They peformed surgery to remove a growth in his small intestine and performed biopsies on abnormalities. Friday, Tanner was airlifted with his Mom and admitted to St. Jude's Childrens Research Hospital in Memphis, TN. All parents are here with him. As of today, Tanner is recovering from the sugery and his pain is being managed. We have met with with his team of specialist and our next step is to conduct a series of speciliazed test, bone marrow, spinal tap, blood work, ect....

The outpour from family and friends has been amazing and we are truly blessed and grateful. It uplifts his spirits which is going to be key in his fight agaisnt this battle. In this journey, prayer and positive thoughts will be welcomed. We trust in Lord that he will give us the strength and get us through this ~ #Tannerstrong

What is Burkitt lymphoma?

Burkitt lymphoma is a type of high-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma that develops from B lymphocytes (B cells). It is one of the fastest growing lymphomas. This means though that it is more likely to be cured by treatment than many other types of lymphoma.
Burkitt lymphoma is named after a doctor called Denis Burkitt.

  • You cannot catch lymphoma.
  • You did not inherit it from your parents.
  • You cannot pass it on to others.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Tanner & Family, I can't begin to contemplate the range of emotions you must all be experiencing. Please know that my family and I join yours in prayer and positive thoughts in your battle to overcome this challenge you face. Knowing your Father, I can imagine the fight and strength you possess. Never loss faith, and always remain: #tannerstrong.
      Sincerely, Tim, Elaine & Family

    3. You will find that God will lift you the highest in times like these. Tanner will find the strength he needs to endure his journey. You all will be daily lifted on High and we all pray for complete healing, understanding and strength for your family.

    4. Oh my goodness, I cannot imagine what you all are going through. It is so clear that Tanner has so much love and support around him. I pray for all of you as his parents, sister, family. I hope you receive some clear answers soon, so some healing can begin. You are in my thoughts.
      Tanner Strong xo

    5. Laura, As a mother I can only imagine the range of emotions that you are feeling! Tanner is a delightful young man and I pray that God's mercy and love will surround all of you! Tanner, beat this and head back to Lebanon so we can see your awesome smile!

    6. Praying for God's will to be done for His guidance of the doctors & nurses for Tanners restoration to full health. In the Precious name of Jesus
