Saturday, September 26, 2015

Sat - Sept 26th update

Tanner has been released back into "outpatient" status and is at the Target house now. Some of the side effects that derive from Chemo treatments are common, but when the side effects turn for the worse, then constant care and stabilization is required. Tanner had what was called, Mucositis. The inflammation and sores were so bad that he was unable to eat or drink without an extreme amount of pain. He is doing better today. We would like for people to understand that within a day, feelings and/or emotions can change. Right now, Tanner feels "okay" and we will leave it at that.

Everything else that the chemo treatment is supposed to be doing, as far as healing is working. Once again, this is a roller coaster ride and what we can all do is keep the prayers and support going. We can never sit in Tanner's shoes and know exactly what he is feeling; only other cancer patients can relate to that. As we walk down the halls of St. Jude and we see other children of all ages going through the same feelings as Tanner, we can only pray that everyone can be healed from this horrible disease.

There has been a lot of #Tannerstrong support coming from everywhere and we will be posting all the support soon.

Thank you for the continuous support. Tanner and family are truly blessed with how much love is out there for him.

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