Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tuesday - Oct. 13th update

On Sunday, it was a beautiful day at the "Target House" and the whole family got to go outside to bbq. Tanner was determined to make it out and got to enjoy a little bit of normalcy. I know this made everyone happy and put a little smile on everyone's face. We even got a chance to play monopoly.

On that note, there has been a luring pain that Tanner has been experiencing for the past three weeks which was thought to be from the mucositis. He began to cramp over the weekend and this was different pain, than what he had been experiencing prior.   On Monday, it was going to be addressed when he went in for his scheduled appointments. Sunday evening, one of Tanner's line was not flushing correctly so as a safety precaution, he was brought back to St. Jude. Yes, back to the hospital. The cramping was pretty bad at that time and the Drs. and nurses took notice and put him on some pain meds. Blood work and cultures were done.

Monday morning, Tanner had an ultra sound and the results came back with Colitis and C. difficile through out his intestine.  "Colitis" is the inflammation of the colon and "C. difficile" is a bacterium that can cause symptoms ranging from diarrhea to life-threatening inflammation of the colon. He was immediately put on antibiotics and other medications to aide the infection. Tanner is back to "inpatient" status and will be in isolation for at least two weeks after a clear culture comes back free of bacteria. If  he does get released back to "outpatient", he will be confined to his resident room at the Target House.  Tanner was put on a liquid diet which he was very unhappy with. He doesn't need to lose anymore.

This morning, he woke up and was given the green card to eat from the low-fat/low-bacterial menu. He was very ecstatic. The cramping seemed to be clearing up which means the antibiotics are working. He has been given his "G" shots since Sunday evening and his numbers have started to drop He is closely monitored for fevers and any other infections. He was given his first blood transfusion and he didn't have any adverse reactions. That was great news!

We always look at the daily blessings. This weekend was really nice to be all together ( both sets of parents and Shyla, Tanner's younger sister) with Tanner and enjoy a little bit of normalcy.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers. I can't mention enough how much we are so grateful that Tanner is in the best hands at St. Jude. We also know that he is in a lot of prayers that being said from a lot of wonderful people.

We thank God every day for another day closer to the end of the journey.


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