Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thurs - Oct. 22nd update

Tanner has been experiencing better days lately. Over the last weekend, a group of friends came to see him and we had a nice bbq for everyone. Seeing Tanner interact and hang out with his friends was wonderful. He actually was able to be a normal teenager again.  He had a lot more energy than expected so this made everyone happy.

Since Tanners numbers are on the rise, he was able to get out last Sunday and enjoy the day. The Dr's gave him the green light on eating out so he wanted to go to Buffalo Wild Wings. It was one of the best days to see this boy enjoy a day and get away from St. Jude and the Target House.

This past Monday, Tanner had a follow up appointment with one of his oncologist. His oncologist said everything is progressing as expected and granted Tanner a release to go back home for a few days. We were all pretty surprise, but was so relieved to know that he is doing well enough to travel back home.

Tanner has two more sessions of Chemo. He will start his 4rth session on Monday, Oct 26th. It will not be as hard as the last two sessions. We never know what to expect from the side effects of Chemo, so we take a one day at a time attitude. We are so grateful for these past few days and we know that the all the love, support, and prayers are working.

We thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts for the continued support. We will be posting photos soon!

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