Saturday, October 31, 2015

Saturday - Oct 31st update


I apologize for the lapse in updates for Tanner. Its been a busy schedule.

Tanner had a great time going back home and seeing his family and friends, especially the friends :).
He was able to talk to young students about the impact of cancer and what chemo does. We are amazing about his perspective about this journey and how he has been positive lately and can communicate this to his community. He had a wonderful time back home and really, really pumped his spirits up. Thank you!!!

He returned back to St. Jude on Monday, the 26th and started his 4rth session of Chemo. He was "inpatient" for a few days and was released to "outpatient" status on Wed. night. This treatment is not as harsh as the last two, but it's still Chemo and with that being said, Tanner has been experiencing some side effects like mouth ulcers. We always try take a positive from this and since he is "outpatient" right now, he gets to carry a backpack with a CAD pump to dispense one of his drugs over a 24 hour period. He is very happy to be out of the hospital but does have his regular appointments scheduled. His numbers will drop in the next few days and he will feel tired and not have as much energy.

We do have to say that he is looking more like himself and gaining some weight back. We are very grateful that Tanner's body is very susceptible to the Chemo and is going through the treatments a little quicker than expected. We do know a lot of this is attached to the best Dr's and Nurses at St. Jude and the power of prayer. We are so very blessed to see Tanner getting better and have high hopes that he won't be at St. Jude as long as we all expected.

We want to thank everyone for the continued support and prayers. Have a wonderful weekend! I will be posting some photos soon of his trip back home.

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