Saturday, October 31, 2015

Saturday - Oct 31st update


I apologize for the lapse in updates for Tanner. Its been a busy schedule.

Tanner had a great time going back home and seeing his family and friends, especially the friends :).
He was able to talk to young students about the impact of cancer and what chemo does. We are amazing about his perspective about this journey and how he has been positive lately and can communicate this to his community. He had a wonderful time back home and really, really pumped his spirits up. Thank you!!!

He returned back to St. Jude on Monday, the 26th and started his 4rth session of Chemo. He was "inpatient" for a few days and was released to "outpatient" status on Wed. night. This treatment is not as harsh as the last two, but it's still Chemo and with that being said, Tanner has been experiencing some side effects like mouth ulcers. We always try take a positive from this and since he is "outpatient" right now, he gets to carry a backpack with a CAD pump to dispense one of his drugs over a 24 hour period. He is very happy to be out of the hospital but does have his regular appointments scheduled. His numbers will drop in the next few days and he will feel tired and not have as much energy.

We do have to say that he is looking more like himself and gaining some weight back. We are very grateful that Tanner's body is very susceptible to the Chemo and is going through the treatments a little quicker than expected. We do know a lot of this is attached to the best Dr's and Nurses at St. Jude and the power of prayer. We are so very blessed to see Tanner getting better and have high hopes that he won't be at St. Jude as long as we all expected.

We want to thank everyone for the continued support and prayers. Have a wonderful weekend! I will be posting some photos soon of his trip back home.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thurs - Oct. 22nd update

Tanner has been experiencing better days lately. Over the last weekend, a group of friends came to see him and we had a nice bbq for everyone. Seeing Tanner interact and hang out with his friends was wonderful. He actually was able to be a normal teenager again.  He had a lot more energy than expected so this made everyone happy.

Since Tanners numbers are on the rise, he was able to get out last Sunday and enjoy the day. The Dr's gave him the green light on eating out so he wanted to go to Buffalo Wild Wings. It was one of the best days to see this boy enjoy a day and get away from St. Jude and the Target House.

This past Monday, Tanner had a follow up appointment with one of his oncologist. His oncologist said everything is progressing as expected and granted Tanner a release to go back home for a few days. We were all pretty surprise, but was so relieved to know that he is doing well enough to travel back home.

Tanner has two more sessions of Chemo. He will start his 4rth session on Monday, Oct 26th. It will not be as hard as the last two sessions. We never know what to expect from the side effects of Chemo, so we take a one day at a time attitude. We are so grateful for these past few days and we know that the all the love, support, and prayers are working.

We thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts for the continued support. We will be posting photos soon!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Lymphoma Statistics

What are the odds. Tanner's diagnosis Burkitt less than 1%

#tannerstrong photo

Here is a recent photo of Tanner. We just want to share! Thank you everyone for your constant support for #tannerstrong. Your love, support, and prayers have made a huge difference!!

Thurs - Oct 15th update

Tanner was released back to "outpatient" last evening.  He is feeling better than he has over the last few days. Right now, Tanner is in Neutropenia status due to the Chemo treatment. This is when his ANC ( numbers) counts are down.  Hopefully, his numbers will climb back up by the end of the weekend. After his follow up appointment today, we found out that Tanner's isolation status has been lifted!!! Yeah!!!

Tanner had classes today at St. Jude and is whizzing through his math. He is back at the Target House.  Overall, he's having a better day and we are grateful for this!!

We want to post a photo of the meds that Tanner takes with him when he goes to "outpatient" status just to give people an idea of what is required. When he is in the rooms of the hospital this is normally administered through an I.V. Tanner's Mom has become an expert on medication and when to administer them! Most of the meds are given every day, but depending on Tanner's pain or what he might be experiencing at a certain hour, some of the meds may be only administered during that time.


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tuesday - Oct. 13th update

On Sunday, it was a beautiful day at the "Target House" and the whole family got to go outside to bbq. Tanner was determined to make it out and got to enjoy a little bit of normalcy. I know this made everyone happy and put a little smile on everyone's face. We even got a chance to play monopoly.

On that note, there has been a luring pain that Tanner has been experiencing for the past three weeks which was thought to be from the mucositis. He began to cramp over the weekend and this was different pain, than what he had been experiencing prior.   On Monday, it was going to be addressed when he went in for his scheduled appointments. Sunday evening, one of Tanner's line was not flushing correctly so as a safety precaution, he was brought back to St. Jude. Yes, back to the hospital. The cramping was pretty bad at that time and the Drs. and nurses took notice and put him on some pain meds. Blood work and cultures were done.

Monday morning, Tanner had an ultra sound and the results came back with Colitis and C. difficile through out his intestine.  "Colitis" is the inflammation of the colon and "C. difficile" is a bacterium that can cause symptoms ranging from diarrhea to life-threatening inflammation of the colon. He was immediately put on antibiotics and other medications to aide the infection. Tanner is back to "inpatient" status and will be in isolation for at least two weeks after a clear culture comes back free of bacteria. If  he does get released back to "outpatient", he will be confined to his resident room at the Target House.  Tanner was put on a liquid diet which he was very unhappy with. He doesn't need to lose anymore.

This morning, he woke up and was given the green card to eat from the low-fat/low-bacterial menu. He was very ecstatic. The cramping seemed to be clearing up which means the antibiotics are working. He has been given his "G" shots since Sunday evening and his numbers have started to drop He is closely monitored for fevers and any other infections. He was given his first blood transfusion and he didn't have any adverse reactions. That was great news!

We always look at the daily blessings. This weekend was really nice to be all together ( both sets of parents and Shyla, Tanner's younger sister) with Tanner and enjoy a little bit of normalcy.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers. I can't mention enough how much we are so grateful that Tanner is in the best hands at St. Jude. We also know that he is in a lot of prayers that being said from a lot of wonderful people.

We thank God every day for another day closer to the end of the journey.


Sunday, October 11, 2015

#tannerstrong favorite night nurse support!

We want to give a big shout out to Tanner's favorite night nurse!! Alicia rocks big time! This was taken about two weeks ago. She is a big Patriots fan and gives Tanner a little teasing about him being a Bronco follower.  It's awesome to have such a cool nurse that truly cares about this special boy! We love Alicia!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Saturday - Oct 10th update

Tanner is on his 6th day of his 3rd Chemo Treatment or the COPAM session. For the first few days of this past week, he was feeling back to himself. That is always a good thing to see and for him to feel. He spent the past week in "inpatient" status receiving his chemo meds. He is now starting to feel the side effects, but they are not as bad as the last session. Every session can be different depending on the patient. However, his team of physicians felt that the 2nd session was really harsh due to his body being introduced to the chemo medications for the first time. Thus far, the side effects have been mild and as soon as he feels something, he is given something to counter the effects.

Friday evening, he was discharged to "outpatient" status and went back to the Target House. He wasn't able to sit down with both sets of parents and have the enchilada dinner, but had a craving in the late evening and was able to eat some. When he is awake and needs to focus on something else other than the medication, he plays games on his I-pad mini and works on Sudoku. His bowel movements are still pretty painful and intense. He has had weight loss because his appetite comes and goes depending on how he feels and is a challenge at times with the nausea. Tanner has to consume a minimum of 2400 calories a day in order to maintain his weight.

As of today, he had appointments this morning at St. Jude for his spinal tap. He is back at the Target House today resting.

Thank you for the continued prayers and support.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday, Oct 5th update

Blessings ~

Last week, Tanner was told from the physicians that he could be given an opportunity to go home for a day or two before his next chemo session. On Friday afternoon, Tanner and his mom took the 5 hour drive home to Lebanon, MO. It was blessing for him to feel good enough to travel.  Of course, his medications went with him. It was a little emotional at times as everyone can imagine that he has not been in his actual home since Sept 3rd.

He was able to see some of his family and friends,  and made a surprise visit by his church on Sunday morning. We are sure it was  hard for Tanner to say goodbye on Sunday, but we know that this visit helped his morale to go through the journey that still lies ahead.

We thank everyone for the support and the visits. We know Tanner really appreciated it. It was wonderful to see the smile on Tanner's face again. What a great blessing indeed!

Tanner is back at St. Jude today and will be starting his 3rd session of chemotherapy this afternoon. Thank you for the constant support and prayers.

Here are a few photos from his visit over the weekend.


Thursday, October 1, 2015

#tannerstrong support

We really do appreciate all the #Tannerstrong support. Here is just a few photos. Thank you!!
Everyday is #Tannerstrong day, but on Tuesday, a lot of the community, family, and friends wear red for Tanner! Tanner is feeling the love!

Thurs - Oct. 1st update

Just a quick update. Tanner has not had a fever in almost two days. That is great news! Tanner is not isolated to his room any more, because all of his test and blood work came back infection free. As of today, Tanner still has pain in certain areas of his body, but seems to be dealing with it. It's not that he has much choice.  He still is  "inpatient" status, but we will see if that will change. Tanner is feeling a little hungry and the focus is for him to eat to keep his weight from dropping any further than it is.
During this past Chemo session, we have seen a courageous young boy go through pain that most people could not imagine. We want to thank the St. Jude staff over and over again for their continued support for Tanner and all the other children that battle this horrible disease.  They are truly the angels.

On a different note. Tanner started losing his hair this past week and it was a little devastating. We all know hair is not his identity, but it was the last little bit of "normal" we were hanging on to. This week is head was shaved. It will be up to Tanner if we wants any photos to be posted. His Father and Uncle and others have shaved their heads in support for Tanner. Thank you for the show of support. It lifts all of us up!

We appreciate all the love and support #Tannerstrong!