Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thursday, Dec 10th update

Tanner and his mom left early this morning to go back home (Lebanon, MO). As we are so grateful that he will start to transition back into a normal teenager life, there are a lot of different emotions running rapid. This journey has brought all four parents closely together, as well as our families. We know Tanner is excited to see his friends and be able to sleep in his own bed.

He will return back to St. Jude at the end of next week for his final PET Scan. We still do not know when his port will be removed, but as he said last night, he will feel the finality when that is removed.

Thank you for continued prayers and support. We will still be posting updates and hopefully, some photos.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Tuesday, Dec. 8th update!!

Every Monday we meet with Tanner's team of specialist, and we were told that yesterday marked his last official visit with his oncologist! Even though we knew this would be coming soon after being told that Tanner was in remission, it felt surreal to hear the words. It's hard to say how everyone was feeling, especially going through this emotional rollercoaster, but I know we all gave thanks to God first with hearing of this news.

Tanner has two full days of appointments this week. Today, he will be receiving an MRI and a spinal tap. Tomorrow, more tests and meeting with hospital professionals. This aides in future studies for St. Jude! We were told he could go home after this Wednesday's appointments and then return next Thursday for his final PET Scan.

Tanner has been in a really good mood lately and feeling back to his jovial self. We can't imagine what Tanner feels or even try to put into words. Yesterday, we saw a full of life Tanner with that sweet smile that melts your heart.

On the 5th of Sept., we heard the most devastating news and now, we hear Tanner will get to go back home to start to live a "normal life" as a teenager again. We can't expect Tanner to go back and transition quickly to the boy he was before this journey, but we know that the strength that our Heavenly Father gave us to get through this, will be the same strength that Tanner will go to, to aide in his transition.

All four parents never gave up hope that Tanner would be healed from this, but it has opened up our eyes to the many, many children we come across at St. Jude every day that still suffer from this horrible disease. We will continue to pray for the children that are still fighting this battle. If you ever have a chance to pay it forward or to contribute to St. Jude, please go to their site and look at the different ways that this can be done. We were told that the St. Jude Marathon weekend raised eight million dollars and this equates to keeping the operating expenses working for four full days.

We will be posting about the upcoming appointments and the progress of Tanner. We thank all of you for the precious blessing of giving of yourselves selflessly to show us so much support! God Bless all of you! Please know you made a difference during this most challenging time.


Sunday, December 6, 2015

Sunday, Dec 6th update

Today, marks the 21st day of Tanner's last chemo session. We have been blessed that Tanner has stayed "outpatient" status during this time. His recovery has taken a little longer than expected, but of course Tanner's team of physicians want to make sure he is fully recovered before they schedule his release. As of today, we are not aware when Tanner will be released from St. Jude. We are hopeful to hear this next week. What still lies ahead is PET Scans, other tests,  as well as, the scheduling of the removal of Tanner's port where his chemo is administered. We continue to receive so much support from family, friends, and the community. We have been  humbled by the kindness through this whole experience.

We would like to highlight some items during Tanner's last chemo session. Tanner's grandparents flew out to Memphis to spend Thanksgiving with all of us. This lifted Tanner's spirits up and we were so appreciative.  We had a wonderful time together as we had so much to be thankful for.  Yesterday, family and close friends were able to attend the St Jude marathon weekend. Tanner was able to walk through the 5k event and it brought much joy to see Tanner feeling well enough to do this. We know that having his friends walk beside him pushed him even more. We thank the moms that brought down the group of friends to walk with Tanner.

As soon as we know of an exit date for Tanner, we will update everyone.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sunday, Nov. 15th - Fantastic update!!

On Friday, we found out that all test and scans came back clear and no evidence of cancer in Tanner!!! He has one more round of chemo left to ensure that all cells are completely gone and to help remove any chances of relapse. As parents we are still taking in the news from Friday. Its a little surreal and a lot to process since this journey began on Sept. 3rd. We do not falter in faith or question because we are witnessing true testimony through the wonderful news of the term "remission".

The oncologist used remission, which means according to medical terms that the test, physical exams, and scans show that all signs of the cancer are gone. Some doctors also refer to complete remission as "no evidence of disease".  The doctors and nurses are amazed at how quickly Tanner has gone through this treatment. We are in amazement ourselves. It has been said that the quickest treatment was five months and Tanner will before Christmas.

There are major contributions that we want to recognize that aided in Tanner's journey. The wonderful individuals, which include the Dr's, Nurses, and the Administrative Staff at St. Jude that gave their undivided attention, professional care, and positive outlook every day. We can't thank them enough. We also know what helped contribute to Tanner's remission is the most humbling and undying support from our families, friends, and many people we do not know that kept Tanner in their prayers every day. We also want to recognize Tanner's resilience and strength in having a positive attitude that this is a journey was given to him for a reason that doesn't mean that it wasn't very difficult for him.  The number one recognition above all is our Father in Heaven for his abundant blessings upon Tanner. Tanner has been chosen for a specific reason which has not been revealed, but God has a special plan in store for Tanner.

As parents, we are truly blessed and we get down on our knees to say thank you to God for sparing this special boy, as we see children at St. Jude every day that are going through a different journey have been called to Heaven.

Tanner's numbers have increased and although he is still in isolation from the viral infection, he has the green light for his FINAL ROUND OF CHEMO that starts on Monday. In a little more than three weeks, we are hopeful that he will be going back home to MO.

We are so thankful and feel very humbled by the news on Friday, but we will save the last breathe when Tanner packs his bags to leave Memphis and go back to his home.

Thank you everyone!!! A photo of  Dr. Ribeiro, Tanner's head Oncologist on the day he delivered the remission status.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wed. Nov 11th great news!! #Tannerstrong

Tanner's bacterial tests came back negative and he was taken off his antibiotics!!! He will be discharged this afternoon to "outpatient" status. We are so grateful for his strength to fight through this and for God's blessings.

Tanner has a scheduled PET scan on Friday and this will let us know where his diagnosis stands, and how long his stay will be at St. Jude for future treatment. We will update everyone then.

Thank you!!! We are all feeling very happy and blessed!

Wed., Nov 11th - update

Tanner had a good night and he felt no pain or problems. We played a fun game of clue (old school). His blood pressure numbers looked good. His labs are all in good ranges and Tanner's appetite is in full force. We should find out when he will be released back into "outpatient" status.

Thank you for your continued prayers, love, and support!


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tuesday, Nov. 10th update

The Dr's decided it was best to give Tanner another blood transfusion last evening, instead of going back on the epinephrine medication. It seemed to help him and he didn't feel as tired. His blood pressure has stabilized on its own. Its still was not the numbers they wanted but high enough that everyone felt better. He is on a low bacteria diet which includes quite a bit so Tanner is a happy camper being able to eat again.

Tanner is officially out of ICU and has moved to the rooms that we are very familiar with, as well as the nurses. He's been tired this afternoon and has been sleeping a lot but we are sure his body has taken its toll between his chemo treatments, the backpack of meds, and his BP dropping so low yesterday.

They are monitoring closely and he's on a massive amount of antibiotics. The viral infection will unfortunately just have to run its course and his "fighter" cells are down to 300 (from an average norm of 18000). However all in all he is doing much better and we want to thank everyone for the prayers that were being said. We can breather a little easier today!